Thursday, November 15, 2012

Letters, Lightsabers, and Love: Chapter 12

Levi and I married each other in June of 2012 after only six months of head-over-heels, foolish-about-each-other love. Our story, like every love story, has its own unique and sweet moments and timings. We continue to marvel at the way God orchestrated our lives to bring us together, and though it included pain and trials for both of us before we met, we wouldn't change anything about it. 

Everything that happened and every way that we grew led us to this moment. 

We'd talked on the phone twice for a grand total of four hours. We'd already written 27 letters back and forth. The weekend was drawing near, and who knew what it would bring....


Chapter 12: A Wednesday Conversation

As I pulled into my driveway after a 15-hour work day (the last 7 of which had been filled with corralling hyper-active junior high students), I sat in the driver's seat for a few seconds, slightly slumped. I was exhausted. 

I managed to drag myself out of the car and up the stairs into my house, lugging my purse and my work satchel behind me. Dumping it all onto my dining room table, I pulled the laptop from the bag and carried it into bed with me. I may have been ready to fall asleep that very minute, but I still had to see if Levi had written to me. He had, of course. 

I read the letter, occasionally jerking my head up when I felt myself drifting off. I smiled to myself as I read that he was looking forward to our next phone call the next evening, and then I folded the lid of the laptop down, placed it on the floor, wrapped my covers tightly around my shoulders, and immediately fell asleep. 

The next morning I awoke a bit tired, but completely refreshed. As I stood in the shower, waking up in the hot water, I began to muse over Levi's letter from the previous evening. His letters were still sweet and thoughtful, but his tone seemed different to me somehow. He was becoming even more transparent, and I felt admiration in his words. Not the kind of admiration for someone who also likes Star Wars, but the kind of admiration for a person of character. 

That realization kept me grinning through most of the day, and I began a letter to Levi when I got home from school that afternoon. I stopped writing about five minutes before Levi called, and we spoke to each other on the phone again. 

Our phone call was light and airy. We laughed quite a bit and shared funny stories about our lives and our childhoods. I told him about Doctor Who and Kazakhstan, and he told me about Papua New Guinea and how different Minnesota was from Texas. 

We rambled on and on until Levi suddenly said, "Hey, do you realize what time it is?" 

"No," I said. "What time is it?"

"Ok, you're not going to believe it," he said, a smile in his voice, "but it's 10:30."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Are you serious? We've been on the phone for three and a half hours?!"

"Uh huh," he said, laughing.

"Oh man. I need to go to bed!"

We said goodnight to each other and decided that we were going to talk again the next night. I think we both realized that pretending to take things slowly was a little silly after talking for three and a half hours in one go. We might as well just go for broke.

I stayed up for a bit longer to finish writing an e-mail, but left it on the short side since it was way past my bedtime. 

I floated on a cloud at school on Thursday, ready for the phone call that evening. Who knew how long it would be this time?


This one was a bit short, I know, but don't worry, The next one is ready and waiting for you. 

Next Chapter (Chapter 13: The Weekend)                   Previous Chapter (Chapter 11: Gathering Momentum)


  1. This is getting so good (sorry for all the comments, but it is like you are telling me in person and I have to respond!)

  2. Where's you next chapeter MB?? I'm on the edge of my metaphorical seat!

  3. You ladies are so lovely! Thank you for the comments, and we're so glad that you like our story!
